Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Writer's Challenge #2 >> "SYMPATHY"

I've realized that in my 32 years of living
That the word sympathy is a dying art
And though we might say we care
It is just a bag full of hot air
Or a very humble mask we wear
Cause if the situation were to come
Some of us will not be that some one
To reach out and try
And don't look at me from the side of your eye
And try to create self centered explanations to justify
How you do your very best...
Put your "best" efforts to rest
Come with something else
Cause the only person you're lying to is yourself
Let's be real
If it came to helping someone in need
You would do your "best" to avoid their pleads
Like they were infected with a contagious disease!
And the only perfection is God
And the mistakes we make are our own
But lying will only make it worse
When we try to say we're right
Knowing we're dead wrong!
So instead of remaining a distant solution to a near problem
Find a way to get closer to the answer
That will one day solve the riddle in us all!

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